JAMsj is empowered by an amazing and talented ecosystem of Volunteers and we are currently recruiting for our Docent and Store Clerk Volunteer positions!

If you are interested in becoming a JAMsj volunteer Docent or Store Clerk, please fill out a Volunteer Interest Form and sign up for one of our upcoming Volunteer Info Sessions on Monday, September 23 from 6:30-7:30PM or Wednesday, September 25 from 11:00AM-12:00PM. All prospective volunteers are highly encouraged to attend one of JAMsj's Volunteer Info Sessions so that we can get to know you a little and so that you can make sure that JAMsj's volunteering opportunity is the right one for you!  

During these Info Sessions, you will learn about JAMsj, the process of becoming a JAMsj volunteer, volunteer requirements, and have a chance to ask questions!

Click the link below to register for an Info session and also consider signing up for our eNews to stay up to date on JAMsj events and announcements!