Currently Closed for artifact Donations
At this time, we are not accepting any new donations. However, we are diligently working on improving our processes and communication to better serve our community and preserve our shared history.
Preparing for a Better Future
We will be reopening our donation requests soon with a more streamlined and efficient system. Your patience and understanding during this period are greatly appreciated.
Stay Updated
If you would like to be notified when we reopen for donations, please provide your name and contact information.
What materials does the Museum collect?
The Japanese American Museum of San Jose's (JAMsj) mission is "to collect, preserve and share Japanese American history, culture and art with a focus on the Greater Bay Area." Our collection is extremely diverse and includes three-dimensional artifacts, art, documents, personal papers, life histories, photographs, books, and films that were created by, owned, used by, or that illustrate the Japanese Immigrants and Japanese American experience from the mid-1800s to the present. Almost all of the objects in the collection have entered through the generosity of individuals and communities, making the collection one that truly reflects the diverse experiences of Americans of Japanese ancestry.