

Tom Izu - President
Yvonne Kwan, Ph.D. - Vice President, Acting Treasurer
Lynda Gomi - Secretary

Board of Directors

Jordan Tachibana • Kristina Kozen • Lori Kozen • Denise Matsuoka • Yuki Nishimura • Michael Sera • Aaron Ushiro


Advisory Board

Bill Schroh, Jr. Advisory Board Chair
Steve Fugita • Warren Hayashi • Hon. Mike Honda • Aggie Idemoto, Ed.D. • Rev. Keith Inouye • Rev. Byron Ishiwata, Financial Advisor • Jane May • Carolyn Sakauye, M.D. • Barbara K. Uchiyama


Staff & Personnel

Vanessa Hatakeyama - Executive Director
Gloria Avila - Accountant
Chisa Matsunaga - Education Programs Manager
Jennifer Tanaka-Gacayan - Museum Operations Manager



The Board of Directors of the Japanese American Museum of San Jose strives to continue its commitment to create a diverse and inclusive board. 

We commit to the creation of  a diverse board of directors and affirm that multiple perspectives and diverse life experiences create a stronger institution. As such, we pledge to listen to, to honor and to respect the views of each board member

The JAMsj Board of Directors strives for greater diversity within our board and leadership positions with each additional member and recognizes that this must be an ongoing process.

As board members we will lead with respect. In the board’s dealings with one another and with the staff and volunteers of the museum we commit to respect and value all regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any other bias.

To attain a diverse and inclusive board the JAMsj Board of Directors commits to the following actions: