“San Jose Japantown: A Journey” chronicles Japantown from its beginnings adjacent to Heinleinville (San Jose Chinatown) to present day. It provides an engaging and informative historic overview for both people who are acquainted with Japantown and general audiences. Images from all eras have been gathered from private and public collections. The book also includes maps and reminisces from people whose lives were involved with San Jose Japantown.
Please join us as we celebrate the reissuing of the book: “San Jose Japantown: A Journey”
There will be a short presentation including Authors Curt Fukuda and Ralph Pearce. Following the presentation the authors will sign books
Date: Saturday September 10, 2022
Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm
Location: Issei Memorial Building (IMB) 565 N 5th St, San Jose CA 95112
Registration: https://bit.ly/3CpPtYH
Click here to read the JAMsj Blog article on “San Jose Japantown: A Journey”
For additional information, email PublicPrograms@jamsj.org
Cover image of book